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Friday, November 27, 2009


UBUNTU is powerful Open Source and free from canonical, UBUNTU is Open Source Linux-based operating system for business, education and home use. Ubuntu has beautufil desktop and great compiz effect. With Ubuntu you can detect internet without driver LAN, you can open and create your document office with OpenOffice, you can create a picture, open, mix, and play music&video, you can found more than OS in Ubuntu. Thats all free.
How To Install?
It's easy to Install, you can install in your OS and you can install the real OS Linux with booting in your computer. You can install Ubuntu alongside Windows or another operating system, or you can use Ubuntu to replace your current operating system.if you have problems with your installation, for help you can visit www.ubuntu.com/support.
To use Ubuntu, you ssould have a PC with at least 256 MB of RAM. and To install Ubuntu , you should have at least 4 GB of disk space. This desktop support with Intel and AMD processors.
Tell your friend to join Ubuntu if you feel enjoy with Ubuntu. you can copy the live CD or Live FD. If you know someone who would enjoy Ubuntu, please pass it on and share the spirit.
"Ubuntu" is an ancient African word which means "humanity to others". Ubuntu for ALL.